
Deserted Fridays

I spent most of the day today working on the pack back lit review. For some reason, no one wants to meet on Fridays so these are usually really slow days.

I did meet with Teresa for a while again today to talk about subject guides and computer support. She also told me a lot about the resident selection process. I think it will be really interesting to get to see how it all works from the search committee side rather than the candidate side. Teresa told me about some of the crazy answers people have given and unusual things they have done-she said one girl even started to take off her clothes during her presentation!

Then I shadowed Dan on the reference desk for a while. It was kind of neat to see him in action. I wouldn't have guessed he would be so good at helping people, but there was a couple that was looking for information about copyrights and he whipped out the Library of Congress website and showed them all of the information they could find there. He was really nice to them and they stuck around for a long time talking about how much libraries have changed.

Later, Teresa came by with the pack back "tool" which just makes my head hurt.

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