
Beware the Man in the Crannie

Many more meetings today. First with Twila Firmature from EResources. She told me about the development of the electronic resouces team. She said I could come to one of their team meetings and talk with the other people on her team.

Second I met with Mike Kelley from CSWR. I'd never really thought about working in a special research area like the CSWR, but after talking to Mike it sounds so interesting maybe it could be a possibility. The way he explained it was that they house primary documents like manuscripts and photographs that people use to write the books that are found in the other parts of the library. Very interesting.

Next I met with Nancy Dennis. We ate at a Greek restaurant and talked about her many roles in the library and about the library world in general. She asked what was the best surprise and worst surprise about UNM. Interesting question, also posed to the dean at the faculty meeting, that seems incredibly dangerous to answer honestly.

After lunch I met with Bruce Neville from Centennial. He gave me the tour and introduced me to his faculty and staff and told me the CRAZY story about the flood. Many weird conincidences! It seems like it would be a good place to work, I can see why Sarah picked Centennial for some of her reference time.

Finally, I met with Russ, who showed me how to close down the library and "encourage" people to go home. He said that they have found people hiding in the library and Mark said that people have been left inside! It seems like a pretty hard building to clear with all of the nooks and crannies to hide in it would be really easy to be overlooked. Russ also told me about the tables in the Willard Room that used to have sheets of glass on top that would shatter into a million peices if they touched each other! He said they shattered one of the doors one time too.

I also worked a little bit on moving the Pack Back Lit Review files from the PB wiki to the wiki Teresa already has set up.

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